You do this by calling the retract() method in the consequence part of your rule. 通过在结果块中调用retract()方法实现这一点。
The consequence statements of the rule with the highest salience value are executed first, the consequence statements of the rule with the second-highest salience value are executed second, and so on. 具有最高显著值的规则的结果语句首先执行;具有第二高显著值的规则的结果语句第二执行,依此类推。
This reference is then used in the consequence part of the rule to assign tests to the Machine object. 然后,在规则的结果块使用该引用,将测试分配给Machine对象。
Whenever this element evaluates to true, it assigns a reference to the Machine object that is then used in the consequence part of the rule. 当这个元素等于true时,它将一个引用分配给Machine对象,而后者将在规则的结果块被用到。
And the rules for the use of consequence can be formed from the dispersed rule elements by means of the relation database. 同时,利用关系数据库中实体间的关系,很容易将分散存储的规则元素组合成规则供推理时使用。
Administrative factual action produce legal consequence according to not expression of intention but by legal rule. 事实行为不是不发生法律效果,而是直接依据法律规定而不是依据当事人的意思表示发生法律后果。
Why the US will carry on the depreciation securely to US dollar, mainly because US dollar depreciation not only may bring the huge economic interest for the US, moreover US dollar depreciation will bring the consequence has not been related the rule will carry on the restraint. 美国为什么会有恃无恐地对美元进行贬值,主要是因为美元贬值不仅可以为美国带来巨大的经济利益,而且美元贬值所带来的后果并没有相关的规则进行约束。